Credit cards and other forms of electronic payment continue to become more and more popular. Cash is almost becoming an obsolete form of payment with the ability to pay with plastic or to even swipe your phone, watch or other electronic forms of payment. With the...
Theft & Property Crimes
Understanding arson and insurance fraud charges
As previously discussed on this Georgia blog, when damage is done to the property of others, this could result in criminal penalties. Even if it seems minimal or is supposed to be artistic, property crimes carry serious consequences. While property can be damaged when...
Understanding vandalism charges
We all encounter the property of others; whether it is when we walk into a building, are at a private residence or when we walk in a parking lot. While this might be a common experience in Georgia and other states across the nation. However, when property becomes...
What is considered to be a bribe?
We all want to get our way and experience favorable outcomes as much as possible. This often causes individuals to take additional steps to ensure that this course takes place. While this could be a valid and legal step to take in some cases, in others, it could be...
Strategizing a defense against theft charges
Facing allegations of a crime is a difficult predicament to be in. Just because an individual is accused of taking something, this does not mean there is no explanation for it or a defense that proves that the accused did not commit the crime. The state tends to build...
Georgia contractor faces multiple theft charges
Being accused of a crime does not only place an individual in a predicament that could result in criminal penalties, but it could also result in a defendant's personal and professional life being severely impacted. Thus, when allegations such as theft related to a...
Even a “little” crime can have far reaching consequences
Many residents of Gwinnett County, Georgia, may not see most property crimes as all that serious. Many pre-teens, teenagers and young adults, more than one might think, have been accused of theft on account of an alleged shoplifting incident, and others get in trouble...
Three arrested in Georgia for attempted robbery and other charges
This blog recently discussed the serious nature of robbery charges, emphasizing the importance for accused individuals to understand that criminal defense options may be available in any situation when criminal charges are involved. While it might be difficult to...
The elements of shoplifting and what to do if accused
When an individual takes something that does not belong to them, this could result in a theft charge. In general, shoplifting refers to the theft of merchandise from a store or business. Shoplifting falls into the category of larceny crimes. Larceny crimes include...
Man faces theft charges in Gwinnett following alleged robbery
Criminal defense rights apply in any situation when an individual has been accused of a crime. There are a variety of different criminal defense strategies and it is important for an accused individual to understand how those strategies relate to their situation....