Impaired driving is usually associated with alcohol, but that isn’t always the case. Some drivers who are impaired have taken drugs. It’s possible to face charges for impaired driving due to over-the-counter, prescription or illegal drugs. The key here is that any...

Month: December 2021
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Should you expect a contested divorce, and what does that mean?
If you decide that you want to get a divorce, you’re already in a place where you’re willing to move on without your spouse. You may think that they feel the same way and will be on board with a divorce, but you could be surprised to find that they contest it. When...
What are your rights if police show up at your home?
Imagine that you're sitting in your living room watching television when you see a police cruiser pull up your driveway. An officer gets out and knocks on your door. What do you have to do in this situation? Maybe you always ignore door-to-door salesman, and you...