When an individual takes something that does not belong to them, this could result in a theft charge. In general, shoplifting refers to the theft of merchandise from a store or business. Shoplifting falls into the category of larceny crimes. Larceny crimes include...

Month: May 2017
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Law enforcement in Georgia cracks down on drunk driving
Drunk driving charges can have serious repercussions for individuals facing them. Authorities throughout Georgia are cracking down on drunk drivers and are making a number of drunk driving arrests. When a suspected drunk driver is arrested, he or she must go through a...
Vague “move over” laws confuse drivers
Driving on Georgia highways is not always easy. In many areas, congested traffic makes travel frustrating, and your daily commute may leave you tense and agitated when you finally arrive home from work. However, for those who work in emergency services and utility...