Facing drug possession charges can be overwhelming and frightening. Beyond the legal consequences of a conviction, like imprisonment and fines, having a criminal record could negatively affect many other aspects of your life. Fortunately, several defense strategies...

Firm News
Is the Pretrial Diversion Program applicable for drug charges?
If you have been charged with drug-related crime in the state of Georgia, you may be wondering what the future holds if you are convicted. While many people facing drug charges may face time in prison and significant financial penalties, there are alternatives...
Defending against a drug possession charge in Georgia
Drug possession charges can result in serious consequences for the accused and their family, which is why it is so beneficial to develop defense strategies immediately after being charged, especially when one faces drug charges. The defense strategy used will vary...
Georgia man faces criminal charges after overdose death
Most of us are aware that selling illicit substances is illegal in the state. However, many people are unaware that drug dealers may face various drug charges and even a felony charge for murder if the person they sold the drugs to overdosed on the drugs they received...
Miranda rights not needed before DUI arrest in Georgia
Based on the U.S. Supreme Court's 1966 ruling in Miranda v. Arizona, any person taken into police custody must be read their "Miranda" rights before questioning. Essentially, the Miranda rights are based on the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which protects...
Rapper and former NFL star facing drug charges
Many drug possession cases arise out of traffic stops. Police pull over a driver for speeding, running a stop sign, or perhaps something as simple as a malfunctioning tail light. The officers then use the opportunity to search the driver's person and vehicle for...
Refusing Breathalyzers and field sobriety tests
If an officer pulls you over on suspicion of DUI, they may request you to take a Breathalyzer test and various field sobriety tests. However, drivers should be aware that they have the right to refuse these tests, although the refusal may come with consequences. Based...
Having a prescription for a drug may not prevent DUI charges
Most Georgia residents need to take some type of prescription medication from time to time. You may have gotten sick recently and needed a prescription antibiotic or found out that you have high blood pressure and need a prescription to address it. Whatever the...
Assistance forming a successful criminal defense strategy
Facing criminal charges in Georgia can be one of the most difficult things you ever have to experience. Regardless of what crime you are accused of committing, if you are convicted, you will likely have to face legal consequences, as well as long-term effects on your...
Repeat DUIs in Georgia lead to steeper penalties, higher fines
If convicted of a drunk driving charge, it could alter the course of your life. You may find yourself dealing with penalties that can alter your educational opportunities, career and many other areas of your life. It is in your interests to fight back and defend...