The state needs evidence to pursue criminal charges against someone. Chemical evidence can play a major role in the state's case in some situations, including for those accused of driving under the influence (DUI) offenses. During a Georgia DUI traffic stop, police...

Year: 2023
How can Georgia spouses prepare for an uncontested divorce?
Georgia divorces can be very frustrating and expensive. People may spend a year or longer trying to extricate themselves from unhappy marriages. The more that divorcing spouses disagree about, the longer it will likely take them to obtain a final divorce decree....
Even warrant searches have key limitations
Search warrants allow the police to enter a person’s property without their permission. Without a warrant, the police generally need to show that it’s an emergency or they need to get consent from the property owner. But with a warrant, they can come into someone’s...
What happens to retirement savings in a Georgia divorce?
Divorce will typically have significant implications for someone's financial future. Most people preparing for divorce in Georgia will worry about their finances both during and after divorce. People know that seeking divorce is expensive and that they will have to...
What’s the difference between misdemeanor and felony assault?
Understanding the intricacies of different offenses is crucial, particularly when it comes to assault charges. Assault is a serious legal matter, and it’s important to differentiate between misdemeanor and felony assault. Assault is a criminal offense that involves...
Why there’s more DUI enforcement around the holidays
People get arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) offenses throughout the year. Police officers on traffic duty will watch for signs of intoxication and test those involved in collisions. Drivers can theoretically get arrested at any time. There are certain...
How does Georgia law protect those who get help for overdoses?
It’s happening increasingly often. People are gathered in a home, dorm room or other location using drugs when one of them appears to suffer an overdose. While many people will get help for them regardless of possible criminal consequences, others panic and leave the...
Too many people fail to use their right to remain silent
Almost everyone has a basic understanding of their rights after arrest. Many movies and television shows depict police officers administering Miranda warnings when they take someone into state custody. People are, therefore, generally aware of the right to remain...
What is drug paraphernalia?
In the simplest of terms, drug paraphernalia encompasses a variety of items commonly associated with the consumption, production or concealment of illegal drugs. Their mere possession, even without prescriptions, might raise eyebrows in the eyes of the law, leading...
Addressing a family business during a Georgia divorce
One of the biggest fears people have about divorce is the possibility of losing their most valuable assets. For some people, the assets that they focus on during divorce are their marital homes or their retirement savings. For others, a business or professional...