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Attorney Christopher T. Adams

Trusted Attorney Providing Knowledgeable And Dedicated Representation

You’ve been arrested for a fourth DUI in Georgia: What’s next?

A DUI conviction can have significant consequences. Beyond the loss of your driving license, it can affect your work, relationships and even your liberty.

You’ll probably be anxious about what’s going to happen next if you’ve found yourself risking your fourth conviction, especially when jail time is a possibility. The possible repercussions of a fourth DUI are described below, along with the next steps you should consider taking.

DUI penalties in Georgia for a fourth offense

Georgia courts treat repeat DUI charges seriously, and as a result, they impose heavier punishments. A fourth DUI conviction in ten years is a felony offense that carries mandatory jail time and a large fine.

The penalties for a fourth DUI include: 

  • A fine ranging from $1,000 to $5,000
  • Jail time of at least one year with sentences of up to five years available
  • 60 days of community service
  • Five years of probation, taking into account time spent in jail
  • A 10-year license suspension
  • 17 weeks of alcohol and drug counseling
  • Publication of your photo in the local newspaper, to be paid for by you

It is obviously ideal to avoid any of these penalties. But, if you can’t, minimizing them is certainly better than the alternative.

What about mitigating circumstances?

There will typically be some kind of mitigating circumstances to present when someone risks a fourth DUI conviction. For example, you may also be able to challenge the prosecution’s evidence if there is any indication that it was collected illegally or improperly.

How much you’ll be fined and how long you’ll be jailed are up to the judge’s discretion. Early identification of mitigating circumstances will better allow for the judge’s favorable consideration, which can reduce the severity of the punishments you’ll risk facing in the event of a conviction. It’s crucial, therefore, to make sure you receive legal assistance as soon as possible.


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