There are typically criminal penalties and administrative consequences for drunk driving. The penalties and consequences associated with drunk driving are serious and can have a significant impact on the present and future of individuals accused of drunk driving and facing a DUI charge. If you are facing a DUI charge, you may wonder what the potential penalties and consequences are and what impact they may have.
On the criminal side, individuals accused of driving under the influence face potential jail time, fines, community service and the court costs associated with their case. Additionally, they face potential administrative consequences including license suspension and revocation, attendance at DUI school, increased insurance rates and the costs associated with these penalties and consequences. An ignition interlock device, and the costs associated with it, may also be required.
The penalties and consequences associated with a DUI charge can vary based on the number of offenses the accused individual has and other circumstances surrounding the alleged incident. For individuals over the age of 21, it is illegal in Georgia to drive with a blood alcohol content level of 0.08% or greater. Additional laws govern underage individuals and charges of underage driving under the influence.
Because of the significant, and lasting, impact a drunk driving charge can have on the life of an accused individual, it is important to understand that criminal defense rights are available to everyone charged with a crime and facing criminal charges. Preparing a strong criminal defense strategy can be essential to mitigating the harsh consequences of a DUI charge.