There are different types of protective orders that may be available in situations of family violence in Georgia. In general, protective orders can range from 6 to 12 months; a request to make the order longer, or even permanent, may be granted in some circumstances.
A temporary protective order may serve a number of purposes, including directing a party to stop acts of family violence; order a party to refrain from harassing another party; grant one spouse possession of a residence and exclude the other spouse from the residence; order the removal of one party from the household or assist another party in returning to the household; award temporary custody of children and determine temporary visitation; order assistance to parties retrieving personal property from a residence; order payments of spousal or child support; and provide for several other provisions and concerns as needed.
Domestic violence allegations, accusations and charges can have a significant impact on families in a number of ways. An individual accused of domestic violence can face legal penalties, as well as a number of different consequences, including those related to the individual’s home, children, family and job. Protective orders can present significant changes in the life of an individual accused of domestic violence, which is why it is important to be familiar with criminal defense rights and options when facing allegations of domestic violence.
Family violence allegations can create lasting disruptions in the life of an individual accused of committing an act of family violence. Because of the significant impact of protective orders and domestic violence allegations, individuals involved in family violence situations should always know how to respond and be familiar with criminal defense options available to them.
Source:, “Family Violence,” Accessed March 7, 2016