Two Georgia teens face serious charges connected to an alleged drug deal gone bad. The 15 and 16 year old boys are being charged as adults in the New Year’s Eve death of a local 18 year old. The two are being held without bond in separate youth detention centers.
Reportedly, the two defendants met with the 18 year old on the pretense of purchasing marijuana. The three young men met at the water tank on Bryan Miller Road in Paulding County, where police claim the younger to attempted to rob the older boy. It is not known which of the defendants produced the gun, but a firearm was used during the alleged robbery. An altercation ensued, and the 18 year old was shot. The 18 year old attempted to flee the scene in his car after being shot, but was found dead in his crashed vehicle a short distance from the scene of the crime.
The two defendants went to the Paulding County Sheriff’s Office with their parents. After being questioned, the two were arrested and charged with murder, aggravated assault and armed robbery. All of these crimes are felonies and carry heavy penalties if convicted. Though the two teens are under age, both are being charged as adults.
Felony charges such as these can totally reroute the path of an individual’s life if convicted of the crime. With so much at stake, defendants should consider quality legal representation. An experienced defense attorney can try to ensure that the prosecutors follow the law as it relates to evidence and prove every element of the crime.
Source: Atlanta Journal Constitution, “Teens accused in Paulding drug-deal killing turned themselves in,” Alexis Stevens, January 5, 2015