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Attorney Christopher T. Adams

Trusted Attorney Providing Knowledgeable And Dedicated Representation

How drug court helps those accused of prescription drug crimes

Just like the federal government, the state of Georgia imposes numerous limitations on prescription drugs. Lawmakers refer to them as controlled substances for a reason. There are numerous laws limiting the ability of consumers to obtain, possess, consume or transfer prescription medication.

Those who misuse their prescriptions, obtain medication from someone other than a pharmacist or sell their pills to others may face arrest and criminal charges. If you find yourself accused of a prescription drug offense, whether the police accuse you of possessing a drug without a prescription, transferring medications or driving while under the influence, you could potentially be a candidate for drug court. It’s also called drug treatment or accountability court in Georgia.

How does this court work?

The Georgia criminal justice system seeks to reduce recidivism, which is the likelihood that someone convicted of one crime to eventually re-offend. The accountability or treatment courts are a form of pretrial diversion that helps rehabilitate defendants instead of punishing those who break the law.

The goal is to address substance abuse issues that lead to criminal offenses. When successful, drug court can keep someone out of jail and prevent them from having a lifetime criminal record. Although it will require mandatory treatment and random drug screening, along with frequent meetings with court-appointed professionals, completing the requirements set by the drug courts could help you get a handle on your substance abuse and move on with your life after making a mistake.

Learning about the options available to you when facing prescription drug charges can help you determine the best response given your circumstances.


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