While most police officers may be honest and upstanding, there is a minority that do not follow the law. They may be guilty of misconduct, or even caught lying on the job. They may have committed perjury or simply tried to pad their overtime. When an officer has been...

Year: 2019
Zero tolerance for underage DUI
It is not uncommon for younger drivers to believe they have attained the experience necessary to perform well behind the wheel under any circumstance. From challenging weather to distracted drivers, we find that younger drivers face a greater risk than their more...
Are field sobriety tests reliable?
It is the duty of all police officers to protect and serve. If one notices you driving erratically, he or she may pull you over on suspicion of driving under the influence. In order to determine this, however, the police have a limited number of options. One of the...
Georgia is the third strictest state for DUIs
If police arrest you for a DUI in Georgia, you can expect to face strict penalties. While jail time and fines for DUIs are common in all states, a new study has found that in Georgia you face some of the toughest consequences after getting a DUI. According to a study...
Georgia ranks low in granting fathers equal custody
Your children will thrive better if they get access to both you and your former spouse. Even if divorce has separated your family, studies have shown that your children will develop better if they spend time with both parents. However, Georgia may fall behind on...
Judge denies DNA test in man’s appeal
If you are a fan of true crime shows or just someone who stays up-to-date on your national news, you are likely to see how the evolution of DNA testing has continued to change the way that crimes are solved, allowing detectives to close cold cases that they never...
Is the Pretrial Diversion Program applicable for drug charges?
If you have been charged with drug-related crime in the state of Georgia, you may be wondering what the future holds if you are convicted. While many people facing drug charges may face time in prison and significant financial penalties, there are alternatives...
Defending against a drug possession charge in Georgia
Drug possession charges can result in serious consequences for the accused and their family, which is why it is so beneficial to develop defense strategies immediately after being charged, especially when one faces drug charges. The defense strategy used will vary...
Georgia man faces criminal charges after overdose death
Most of us are aware that selling illicit substances is illegal in the state. However, many people are unaware that drug dealers may face various drug charges and even a felony charge for murder if the person they sold the drugs to overdosed on the drugs they received...
Miranda rights not needed before DUI arrest in Georgia
Based on the U.S. Supreme Court's 1966 ruling in Miranda v. Arizona, any person taken into police custody must be read their "Miranda" rights before questioning. Essentially, the Miranda rights are based on the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which protects...